Monday, February 25, 2013


Surrounded by the self made walls,
Staying alone without any calls..
People hardly understands, that's so rude,
So its better I sit, here in Solitude..

The moments I cherished,
The pains that helped me flourish,
Are the treasures,
To ponder in Solitude..

There are the questions,
And the answers..
Reasons and the explanations,
But why to make it known?
It is for me to ponder in Solitude..

There is a whirlpool in me..
A whirlpool of thoughts and emotions…
Waiting deep inside
To come out,
To debate and ponder in Solitude..

The ones I feel closest to,
are the farthest away from me..
while I keep myself distant,
from the ones who are near...

So today I decide
To go back
Sit in Solitude with music to solace.
There are times,
Let Solitude be your guide.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pondering Life..

Pondering Life..

Ahh Life….
In the journey of Life,
 You can cry a countless tears
You can wait a million years

If you think that time will change the way you think then

Pardon !!
Don't wait too long.

Life is all about a 
Take a chance today, play your part
Do the things you desire,
Go out, explore
Get into a relationship,
 it might break your heart.
But if you think that time will change your ways
I must tel you
Don't wait too long..

Dogs <3 <3

Dogs for me are gorgeous animals

Creatures with chubby paws..

Walk with them,
Play with them,
Kiss them, Hug them

the living teddy bears

Pet them and feed them

They are cute and adorable

Dogs I love when you 

wag your tail back and forth, 

I love you when 

Sun is bright on your fur.

Awww Dog

I love your bark 

arf, arf, arf, arf

whatever your breed,
whatever your colour,

I love dogs

for me
Dogs are one of
My Desires

Friday, February 15, 2013


समझती नही क्या ज़रुरत थी मुझे किसी की,
जानती हू तोह बस इतना 
मिली थी कभी यूही आपको
चलती राह में कब जिंदगी रुकी,
पता ही नही चला..   

जिस तरह ज़िंदगी में आये थे.. 
उसी तरह एक दिन चले जाओगे,
ना आने का पता था
ना जाने का पता होगा..

ज़िंदगी कभी मेरे आस पास घूमती थी मेरी
आज मेरे नही मेरे आपनो के आस पास घूमती हैं

ना कल ठहरा था, ना आज ठहरेगा 
और ना ही कल रुकेगा,
रह जायेगी तोह केवल एक याद ,
उन आपनो के साथ बिताये लम्हों की याद....